Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: September 19 Edition

Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: September 19 Edition

Hey hey it's your 5th year, Lacey Wedge here with a lovely Gym Talk!

The Ladies have been training hard this week and doing some great things in the gym. The VAULT SHAKERS are shaking that vault with all their power. We are twisting vaults, working on new vaults, and moving vaults onto higher mats. The BAR STARS started working on their half sets and catching a lot of major releases. The BEAM QUEENS have also been putting together half set and focusing on their drills to perfect their skills. The FLOOR ROARS have been pushing through on their endurance routines to get those legs and bodies feeling super strong. Along with that, the Ladies have been so powerful in their tumbling and getting ready for half sets. These Ladies have been coming into the gym and getting their work done! The determination and grind in these Ladies are so inspiring to watch. You DO NOT want to miss seeing what these Ladies have in store for this upcoming season!

This week was our annual sister reveal. This is when all the freshman or transfer gymnasts (Hayden, Brooke, Olivia, and Emily) get put into a sister family. The junior class was in charge of planning the sister reveal. They had a jeopardy game set up for the girls to see if they know their teammates as well as they think. Then they got a riddle that involved their sister family. If they guessed correctly, they would find out who their sisters were and if they guessed wrong then they had to keep trying. The Ladies had so much fun finding out who their sisters were. Can you guess which family they each got put into? Well……let's find out!

Hayden got put into a family with Senior Roxy, 5th year Lacey, and Sophomore Amy. Brooke got put into a family with Junior Mylia. Olivia got put into a family with Senior Rylie and Sophomore Claire. Emily got put into a family with Senior Izzie and Sophomore Sophie. Lastly, we have our last family with Junior Emma, 5th year Kendall, and Sophomore Olivia. After sister reveal the Ladies had a friendly competition of volleyball on campus. That is right we do not just do gymnastics; we play volleyball too:) This was such a great bonding time for the Ladies and exciting to find out who our little sister was going to be.

Thanks for tuning in on my gym talk. Hope y'all enjoyed what the Ladies have been up to and have a wonderful day.

All love,

Lacey Wedge

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