Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: September 9 Edition

Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: September 9 Edition

Hey Ladies Fans! This is junior Kendall Sanders, aka K1, with this week's gym talk!

First of all, a big Happy Birthday to sophomore Lacey Wedge! The Ladies got a chance to celebrate her birthday, in small groups of course, last weekend! This just meant Lacey got to celebrate more times.

The Ladies have been hard at work both in the classroom and the gym. Many Ladies have now had their first round of school tests and are doing a fantastic job. Way to go Ladies! It's hard to believe, but we are now coming up on mid-terms in just three weeks!  We started classes on August 10th, and we will be half-way done with the semester at the end of September – that is definitely a weird feeling!  You know our Ladies will be working hard to be ready for those mid-terms though.

The Ladies are still practicing with masks and in two groups, but we are making the most of it. Basics are our best friend as we focus on the little details that will help us with the big skills in the future. The team has also been hitting the gym, the other gym, to get stronger as we progress to bigger skills. We have progressed to dismounts and twisting on bars, back handsprings on beam, and some vault drills. The AirTrack even came out for some tumbling.  All I can say is never underestimate what these ladies can do, even with a mask on! In these first weeks there are already so many shout outs to be given! Sophomores Kennedy Stevens and Leilani Johnson have been identified on the bars and are becoming true bar stars. Senior Si-Si Ponder did a Yurchenko for the first time since freshman year! That's my senior!

This team has found positives throughout this crazy time. One positive is the Ladies were looking snatched over the Labor Day weekend as we got to debut a new practice leo.

I hope our Ladies fans are staying safe and we hope to see everyone during season! Fingers crossed!

Much Love, K1!