Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: April 8 Edition

Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: April 8 Edition

Hey hey it's sophomore Lacey Wedge here with a lovely gym talk.

The Ladies started the week off with celebrating one of the sophomore's / my sister, Kennedy Stephens 20th birthday! I know, they grow up so fast. Time flies when you are having fun!

Next the Ladies celebrated, the Resurrection of Jesus, Easter, getting ready for nationals week and fun activities at coaches house! My roommates (Taylor Wilson) mom and dad came down and put together a fun Easter day with some cute activities for us to do during our Easter break. The Ladies dyed eggs, did an easter egg hunt, made a bunny car and tons more. We were so thankful for both Taylor's parents and our coaches for letting us have such a great Easter day!

After our fun, the Ladies got back on the grind. Everyone had a purpose walking into the gym and knew what needed to be done. Easter Sunday, we had a surprise team intra-squad. We went through everything just like meet day; warmed up on each event, then went back to do a touch warm-up and started to show our routines.

First event was beam, the Ladies started off on a good note and looked very confident. There was a lot of intention and sharp performance presented. Moving on to the floor, the line up put on a wild performance while focusing on details not only in their tumbling but in their dance. Precision is what we need to keep us on the right track to improving our skills. On vault, everyone made their vault and fought for those landings to get that college stick. We love those sticky feet!! For the last event, the Ladies rose to the occasion and finished off strong. We came together as a team and made every situation the best no matter what. We did not get discouraged, we fought and made it happen.

This team is ready as ever for our nationals this weekend and we are not stopping. We will fight and fight and fight til we get to the top. All in, All out, All now is what we will put out on that competition floor. ALL FOR BIG SYL!

Thanks for tuning in on my gym talk. Hope y'all enjoyed what the Ladies have been up to and have a wonderful day.

All love,

Lacey Wedge