Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: October 4 Edition

Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: October 4 Edition

Hey Ladies Gymnastics Fans!!

It’s Junior, Mylia Vidtor, here, reporting this week's recap of the Ladies.

This week has been filled with many amazing things. We had two recruits this week, a volunteer event at a pumpkin patch, went to a circus on Saturday, and had a goal challenge on Sunday, which was awesome! The ladies have been doing outstanding this week!! They also have been Killing it in the classroom, with homework to exams, as well as managing their time to stay up to date with all assignments.

Inside the gym, the Ladies have been making some huge progress. Shout out to the Bar Stars Roxanne Myers, and Olivia Stratmen for catching their jaegers. Lacey Wedge, and Emma Lavelle for doing double lays on set, and Hayden Cagle for her straddle back half. The Vault Shakers are also killing it!! Claire Flores flipped her yurchenko full and it was absolutely stunning. Sophie Schmitz’s flipped her tuck full as well. I also flipped the front handspring tuck onto higher mats. The Beam Queens had a challenge on Set It Up Sunday, and although we didn't accomplish 100% of our goals, significant strides were made. Emma Lavelle, Sophie Schmitz, Brooke Murdock, Rylie Molina, and I worked together to build a full routine by mixing each other's 1st and 2nd halves. Another round of shout-outs to the Floor Roars, Emily McClung, and Sophie Schmitz who did doubles to competition height. The ladies have been working hard on cardio routines this week and have seen big improvements.

On Saturday night, the Ladies took a trip to The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to watch Alumni Kaity Mussio (Class of 2018). Kaity showed out on her aerial hoops and aerial rope acts. The Ladies got a chance to go down on the stage after the show, and tried some tricks of their own.

That is all for this week’s gym talk! Make sure to tune in next week to hear more updates about the Ladies by Junior Emma Lavelle.

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