Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: Nov. 8 Edition

Centenary Ladies Gym Talk: Nov. 8 Edition

Hey Ladies Gymnastics fans! It's your goofy sophomore Carissa Martinez and I am here to bring you a new weekly Gym Talk!

This week was a big week for the Ladies. As some of you know, it was homecoming week and boy were the Ladies on FIRE! Starting the week off on Tuesday, we saw some great tumbling passes from Freshman Amy Foret. Consistency is a key factor and Amy is nothing short of consistent when it comes to her beautiful front layout to rudy and her double backs. Wednesday and Friday the team had workouts in the fit and the Ladies are looking stronger than ever. We are increasing PRs and working on endurance. You can expect to see the Ladies in tip-top shape for this season. Fast forward to Friday afternoon, there was fantastic gymnastics going on in every corner of the Jill's. Starting strong on beam, Seniors Leilani Johnson, Kendall Huff, and Sophomore Mylia Vidtor completed some gorgeous series, while Senior Taylor Wilson accomplished some huge front aerials. The Ladies in the Jill's were on the edge of their seats watching Senior Rose Deshler work on her major release on bars. She was centimeters away!   On Vault, Senior Leilani Johnson blessed us with some twisting upgrades. I mean the power my sister has is just…WOW! I completed some big 1 ½'s and my fellow classmate Sophomore Emma Lavelle flipped some more of her new vaults. I expect great things from the Ladies on this event.

Onto the best part of the week, which was the Ladies gymnastics homecoming showcase. The Ladies had a beam and bars intrasquad that blew the crowd away. Starting off the night, the Ladies had a beautiful warm up on all four events. A huge shout out to Freshman Sophie Schmitz for fighting for every skill and every landing. And another huge shout out to Junior Miss Roxanne Myers for catching three major releases in a row! Both groups on vault and floor had some solid landings and beautiful height on their tumbling passes. Moving onto competition time Senior Rose Deshler started the meet off strong on bars with a beautiful series of connections that went into her bar-to-bar release. FANTASTIC JOB ROSE! Sophomore Emma Lavelle caught a gorgeous single bar release and we saw another flawless routine from the bar star herself, Senior Taylor Wilson. Taylor is really kicking it into high gear, so amazing job TWilson! Heading to beam, the Ladies leadoff was Rose Deshler again and let me tell you this gal has some gorgeous lines when she's up on that beam. Big shoutout to Sophomore Emma Lavelle for her aggressive new front tuck mount and a huge congratulations to Senior Lacey Wedge for stepping up to the plate and competing in the beam lineup. After the beam and bars intrasquad, the ladies went to floor and vault and you could say some major skills took place. On vault, Taylor Wilson had a huge block improving her overall flip. Great job Tay! Then we saw twisting vaults from Seniors Kennedy Stephens, Leilani Johnson, Kendall Huff, Sophomores Emma Lavelle, and myself. We also saw a huge front vault from Senior Lacey Wedge that blew the team out of their seats. Then on floor, the entire team displayed some fantastic landings and beautiful height on tumbling passes. Transferring our skills to the competition floor this year will be a piece of cake. The last shout out that cannot go unrecognized is the major support Juniors Izzie Plaza, Rylie Molina, and Freshman Claire Flores, Sophie Schmitz and Olivia Stratman gave the team. Not once was there a quiet moment in the gym… So a huge thanks to these goofy gals. We couldn't have done it without ya'll!!

That's it for this week's Gym Talk!

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