Our First Gym Talk of 2018-19 Comes From Senior Elizabeth Sander!
Welcome back Ladies Fans! Your favorite gymnasts are back on campus and have officially begun the new school year! This means that myself (Liz) and my five other fellow seniors have just begun our last year as a Centenary Lady (cue the tears). However, the year is already off to a great start, and I’m so excited about our team!
Welcome back Ladies Fans! Your favorite gymnasts are back on campus and have officially begun the new school year! This means that myself (Liz) and my five other fellow seniors have just begun our last year as a Centenary Lady (cue the tears). However, the year is already off to a great start, and I'm so excited about our team!
On Saturday, in the middle of all my favorite Ladies moving back on to campus, we had a team/family dinner at Coach Jackie's lake shack. It was the first time we got to hang out as a team with our new freshmen, and it was a blast. We had so much fun hanging out, hammocking and getting to catch up with everybody. My favorite part of being a Lady is getting to spend time with all the other Ladies. This team is really a family, and I can't wait for this next year because I think it's going to be the best one yet.
Our freshmen got back from Paris (yes France) a couple weeks ago, and from all the stories they've told us, it sounds like they had a great time! They finished up their Paris class last weekend by putting on an exhibit on campus with all their final projects. Some of these projects can be found on YouTube, and they are definitely worth a watch.
Besides classes, our first week of school entails our Dean's List dinner, President's Convocation (be on the look out for pictures), an open gym, and because I love running before the sun comes up with my friends, we are doing a 6 a.m. track conditioning!
In addition, this week we have our senior dinner. Just the six of us get to hang out with Coach Jackie. I'm not really certain what a senior dinner will entail, but stay tuned for updates from T next week. The thought of leaving this team makes me want to start ugly crying, so I hope at senior dinner we don't have to talk about being seniors, but something tells me I'm wrong.
Well, this is Liz, signing off on one of my last Gym Talks. I hope all of you are as excited for this year as we are! We can't wait to show everyone what being a Lady is all about.