Sophomore Jerrica Harris Brings Us This Week's Edition of Gym Talk!
Welcome back Ladies fans, its sophomore Jerrica Harris bringing you this week’s gym talk. While anxiously waiting for fall break to begin, the Ladies took time this past week to take a step back and really focus on basics and pushing our bodies to get stronger. Shout out to all the Ladies for working so hard to push themselves to become tougher and prepare for competition season.
Welcome back Ladies fans, its sophomore Jerrica Harris bringing you this week's gym talk. While anxiously waiting for fall break to begin, the Ladies took time this past week to take a step back and really focus on basics and pushing our bodies to get stronger. Shout out to all the Ladies for working so hard to push themselves to become tougher and prepare for competition season.
On Tuesday, our floor roars worked super hard on bettering their floor endurance for this upcoming season. They made some killer conditioning routines and pushed themselves hard to be ready for our intrasquad this Sunday. It always feels so good to get those legs wobbly!
The beam queens are killing their skill sets on beam and are progressing to beautiful full routines. It is exciting to begin seeing people putting full sets together and being so consistent on them. Our two freshies, Kendall squared, are showing some grit on this event with their clean form and consistent hits!
Bar stars did great on bar drills and basics. Really honing in on those handstands, turn angles and landings is going to help raise our bar scores when season hits. We have some new skills we are trying to work into routines as well and they are starting to become more consistent. We have been pushing on our bar endurance and those arms and shoulders are getting stronger!
I am so proud of the Ladies this week and all we have accomplished, we had great focus on getting things done before fall break. With conditioning led by Cami and Dorothy that really left us feeling fatigued and weakened, and our "dark and early" track workout, which was intense and made our legs super tired and sore, we know we will only become stronger. All our hard work was then rewarded with fall break and a few days off to recover.
Most of the team went home or to visit family over the break. It was nice to get away from all the demands of school for a couple days, even though I know our Ladies were hitting the books at home too! We had a few travel difficulties on the way back to school with some weather issues, but everyone arrived safely. We now have midterms upon us, which it's hard to believe we are almost half way through the semester already. Wow, where has the time gone?
I love the way our team continues to motivate each other to get better together. Can't wait for y'all to read next week's gym talk, we have some exciting things coming up, so be sure to stay tuned!